All images and content are copyright ©2007-2012 David Orr Photography, LLC. Images and content may not be reproduced, copied or transmitted in whole or part without permission from David Orr Photography.
The time finally came to sell our large format 4x5" film camera. I remember when we first got the camera in college and couldn't wait to try it out. We had set up an elaborate shot of broken glass and cut flowers on the bed in my dorm room. We had a light meter to tell us what exposure was needed, but no lights! After much calculation, we determined that it would take about 40 flashes from a regular 35mm handheld flash while the shutter on the camera was left open for around 3 minutes. Those were the days!
I thought it would be fun to share a couple of images we shot on this amazing piece of equipment. The 4x5" took large sheets of film (only 10 sheets to a $50 box), that were several times larger than a 35mm negative, and thus allowed us to create images that could be blown up with great clarity. When composing an image, the scene was reflected backward and upside down on a ground glass screen. The only way to see the image on the ground glass in bright daylight was under a dark cloth draped over the back of the camera. We used a magnifying loupe to check the focus and details of the composition, and then proofed the scene using black and white polaroid film! Taking photos with the 4x5" was a very meditative process, allowing us to really immerse ourselves in the landscape, as a typical image would take an hour or more to create.
Nelson Reservoir, White Mountains, Arizona
San Francisco Peaks, Arizona
Mandy and Dan had a cozy and intimate wedding ceremony at Mesa's Fiesta Fountains. We were only there for an hour, but found plenty of great image making opportunities! Their unique ceremony included a traditional Celtic handfasting, performed by Reverend Crystal Lloyd. We wish Mandy and Dan a lifetime of happiness!
Amanda, Rocher (our french bulldog) and I took advantage of the 3-day Fourth of July weekend and headed up to Flagstaff for some rest from the Phoenix heat. We tried out two new dog-friendly hiking trails--Bismarck Lake and Walker Lake--both of which are small seasonal water holes that have formed in collapsed cinder cones. They were quite beautiful and Rocher enjoyed frolicking off-lead in the grass and water! We were also treated to a good soaking rainstorm which brought out the fresh scent of the ponderosa pine needles.
On Saturday we drove up Mount Elden in the hopes of seeing Flagstaff's fireworks from overhead. We learned two things; Mount Elden has two peaks, one of which blocked our view of the fireworks, and fireworks don't go up that high. We were maybe 1700 feet above Flagstaff and the fireworks didn't clear the hill in front of us. Still, we had an exceptional view of the city lights and Route 66, and even caught the tiny bursts of fireworks at distant Lake Mary and Winslow!